Friday, October 9, 2015
Following yesterday's advice I regret to advise that delays are still being experienced at DP World. An additional issue as a result of these delays is that Lochm's collection of import containers within the nominated three day window is being adversely affected. As this is a direct result of the DP World terminal performance the availability window for the collection of containers is being extended so that no storage charges will be applicable.

However, given that it is taking longer to collect these containers, empty container demurrage charges may subsequently be imposed as the delays in being able to pick up containers will reduce the time available for customers to unpack them for return to their nominated empty depot. We recommends that customers contact their relevant shipping lines to request that containers arriving through DP World from  October 1st up to the current period are allowed an extension of the free time for import containers to be returned before the imposition of storage charges. 

As this problem is an industry issue and beyond LMF's control, LMF will not be liable for empty demurrage charges caused by these delays throughout this period of time.

If you require more specific information please do not hesitate to contact your Lochm account manager or myself at any time.

Danny Cobb

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